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Iridian has six phonemic vowels, as listed in the table below.

Front Central Back
Close i ⟨и, і⟩ u ⟨у⟩
Mid ɛ ⟨е, ѣ⟩ ʌ ⟨ъ⟩ ɔ ⟨о⟩
Open a ⟨а⟩

The front vowels /i/ and /ɛ/ have two orthographic variants, with ⟨і⟩ and ⟨ѣ⟩ indicating the palatalization of the preceding consonant (see Palatalization below).

In addition, diphthongs can be formed by the semivowels й /j/ and ў /w/, as follows:

й falling й rising ў
а ай /aj/ іа /ja/ аў /aw/
е ей, ѣй /ɛj/ ѣ /jɛ/
и ий, ій /ij/ і /ji/
о ой /ɔj/ іо /jɔ/ оў /ɔw/
у уй /uj/ іу /ju/

Unstressed vowels are often centralized so that /a/ and /ʌ/ merge into [ɐ]~[ə], /i/ and /ɛ/ merge into [ɪ]~[ɨ], and /u/ and /ɔ/ merge into [o].

мамка [ˈmamkɐ] ‘mother’
піашчице [ˈpʲaɕt͡ɕɪt͡sɪ] ‘(he) ate (conjunctive)’
горе [ˈɣɔrɪ] ‘hill (patientive)’

The remaining glides have also further simplified. The glides /aj/, /ʌj/ and /ɛj/ have merged into [ɐj]~[əj], while /uj/ and /ɔj/ have merged into [uj]. Finally, /ij/ has simplified to [iː].

Aлексей [ɐˈlɛksɐj] ‘Alexey’
лейте [ˈlɐjtɪ] ‘room’
лайка [ˈlɐjkɐ] ‘foot’

Consontants / Хадь

The table below shows a complete list of consonant phonemes in Standard Irid- ian, with the allophones appearing in parentheses. In total, Iridian has 19 consonant phonemes but with 21 additional allophonic variants.

Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar
Plosive p ⟨п⟩ b ⟨б⟩ t ⟨т⟩ d ⟨д⟩ c ⟨ть⟩ ɟ ⟨дь⟩ k ⟨к⟩ (g)
Nasal m ⟨м⟩ n ⟨н⟩ ɲ ⟨нь⟩ (ŋ)
Liquid r ⟨р⟩ l ⟨л⟩ ʎ ⟨ль⟩
Fricative s ⟨с⟩ z ⟨з⟩ ɕ ⟨ш⟩ ʑ ⟨ж⟩ x ⟨х, г⟩


The initial velar stop /k/ is affricated as [kx] while initial /g/ is realized as [ɣ]. Both are lenited to [x] and [ɣ] respectively in intervocalic position. At the end of a word, /k/ and /g/ merge to [x].

акузаце [ɐxuˈzat͡sɯ] ‘accusation’
грум [ɣrum] ‘shout’
витак [ˈvitɐx] ‘road’


The Iridian alphabet is a modified version of the Cyrillic alphabet, with 33 letters. The letters are listed below, with their names, their transcription in IPA, their transliteration.

Letter Name IPA Transliteration
А а а /a/ /ä/, /ɐ/ a
Б б бе /bɛ/ /b/, /β/ b
В в ве /vɛ/ /v/, /ʋ/ v
Г г ге /ɣɛ/ /ɣ/, /g/ g
Д д де /dɛ/ /d/ d
Е е е /e/ /e/, /ɛ/ e
Ѣ ѣ ѣ /jɛ/ /jɛ/, /ʲɛ/, /ʲɪ/ ě
Ж ж же /ʑɛ/ /ʑ/ ž
З з зет /zɛt/ /z/ z
И и и /i/ /i/, /ɪ/ i
І і і /i/ /i/, /ɪ/ i, j
Й й їот /jot/ /j/ j
К к ка /ka/ /k/, /kx/, /x/ k
Л л ел /ɛl/ /ɫ/, /l/ l
М м ем /ɛm/ /m/ m
Н н ен /ɛn/ /n/ n
О о о /o/ /o/, /ɔ/ o
П п пе /pɛ/ /p/ p
Р р ер /ɛr/ /r/ r
С с ес /ɛs/ /s/ s
Т т те /tɛ/ /t/ t
У у у /u/ /u/, /ʊ/ u
Ў ў оў /ow/ /w/ u
Ф ф фе /fɛ/ /f/ f
Х х ха /xa/ /x/ h
Ц ц це /t͡sɛ/ /t͡s/ c
Ч ч че /t͡ɕɛ/ /t͡ɕ/ č
Ш ш ша /ɕa/ /ɕ/ š
Ь ь ерьтизец /ɛrʲtɪzɛt͡s/ /ʲ/
Ъ ъ ъгмъ /ʌɣmʌ/ /ʌ/ ǎ

The letter ь is used to indicate palatalization of the preceding consonant. It can appear at the end of a word, as in слень ‘soup’, or in the middle of a word if a the following syllable does not begin with a vowel, as in обенька ‘gate.’ In all other cases, palatalization of the preceding consonant would be indicated as follows:

The letter Її is not considered as a separate letter but as a variant of Іі. It represents a й- glide between /i/ and a following vowel, e.g., химїа ‘chemistry’ (not *химіа, *химійа, or *химіiа). A й- glide between /i/ and /ɛ/ is written їe and not іе, иѣ, or іѣ. Similarly, a й- glide between /i/ and /i/ is written їи and not іі or even їi. When ї is denote such a glide, the orthography does not distinguish between the iotated і and the non-iotated и; in practice, however, the usage always results in the palatalization of the preceding consonant.

At the beginning of a word, the letter ї represents the semivowel /j/ so that їанек ‘Janek’ is pronounced [ˈjanɛx] and not [iˈjanɛx]. To indicate that the preceding /i/ is pronounced, an apostrophe is added between the two vowels. Since both Іі and Ѣѣ are inherently iotated, the letter ї is not used to indicate /j/ when the former appear at the start of a word.

Phonological processes

Vowel alternations

The following phonological processes involving vowels occur in Iridian and are triggered whenever any suffix is added to a stem.

  1. An unstressed in a closed syllable at the end of the stem is dropped before the addition of the suffix.

    ЇанкаЇанек ‘Janek’ (not *Їанека)
    обламобел ‘window’ (not *обелам)
    данкуданек ‘tax’ (not *данеку)

    In case the deletion results in a cluster that violates the phonotactic rules, the is retained but shifted to the start of the phrase.

    пъзенкупъзнек ‘intelligence’ (not *пъзнку)

    In monosyllabic roots, the following additional rules apply:

    1. If the initial consonant is a stop, the is deleted only if the final consonant is a nasal or a fricative:

    2. If the initial consonant is a fricative, the is deleted only if the final consonant is a nasal:

    3. The is retained in all other cases.

  2. Roots of the type –CjаC(C) and –CjоC(C) become –CjеC(C) in the presence of palatalizing suffixes.

  3. A stem undergoing deletion of the fleeting described above will cause the raising of the vowel in the preceding syllable; specifically, о and оў become у while е and ѣ become и. This ablaut is not triggered if the preceding syllable has a null onset.

    лубкалобек ‘apple’ (not *лобка)
    кустларь ‘fisherman’ ← костел ‘fish’ (not *костларь)
    пистларь ‘falconer’ ← пѣстел ‘falcon’ (not *пѣстларь)

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