Том Рут, глаў 1

Том Рут, глаў 1

Вдѣл терпія ко лиду пред то на бниме ѣш морец. З Юдицке Бетлехеми маша до Моаба стожек маша а ше наву а вуц ше рохошу.

Маша Елимелеху поўднія нау Ноему вуц рохош а Махлону а Хеліону; ша з Юдицке Бетлехеми Ефратани квоўми. До Моаба стожицени днѣ схражек.

Ноеми без ко Елимелех схражицени вуц ше рохошу ласкани.

Ша рохош моабске нау зпѣтебик: она Орпу поўднія она Руту. Ноў хлету днѣ мозлашани.

А земе може схражицени, а Махлон а Хеліон, кам нау вуц нам рохоши нам бези ласкани.

А ша з Моаби породлашы те вуц ше сену здрубжек; ама моабу Тѣхо сни удле обѣмжевиѣш сни удла траву дитебѣвѣ бы хвущек.

Кам а з пуйде цери вуц ше сену породлашицени до Юде ражы те породлашек.

А Ноема вуц сена жичек: До сни мамци дума ражим. Тѣхом да може вуцам рукебія ко проўту рукебы.

Тѣхом на бези дума цопу дитебы. Кам а Ноема жужицени сна стал стѣднени тоўлашек.

Кам како томѣц жичек: ше Ноему до сни бниме ражах.

Томѣц тва жичек: Ражим, ражим, ѧ́іка, ама да безу зпѣтебевы те дѣ ѣш нахте одил.

Дни позплачицешхоўме ли лижія? Безу зпѣтебебиле те ли ражах? яіка дѣ ражим, тѣ мѣсту настечія а Тѣхо на же мама.

Стал днѣ стѣднени вас тоўлашек. Кам а Орпа мимке жужицема Рутам земебик.

Жичек: Быто, жем бниме же ражицени Тѣхим же ражек. На жеми спола може ражим яіка.

Рут томѣц жичицема: да рузчиле те кратно дни протны те разно. Ѣнѣ може стожы да стожах, ѣна доўмнуны дам доўмнунах; Іи ром може же ром, іи Тѣхо може же Тѣхо.

Ѣна може шрадуны да шражач, днѣ певнунач. Тѣхо дѣ вдилаше, а ше шрад мѣ познажы.

Неходну соражы те ведницени зѣкова ручек.

Кам вуц до Бетлехема стожек а то повѣжек, Бетлехему щенжицешды, набы бнима му несбиратнек, а ше жичек, ша ли Ноема? Томѣц жичек: Ноему поўдно, Мару поўдне ама Тѣхом да нахте будну рукебик. Да неуда рузчицема, Тѣхом хурек ражек; Тѣхом да праіницема, на же маму Наброхук скинжицема заѣху Ноему ли по поўднія? Кам Ноема ше моабске Руту, сы сен, з Моаби ражицени, вдати нуку Бетлехему щенжек.

Translation and notes

а҃ Вдѣл терпія ко лиду пред то на бниме ѣш морец. З Юдицке Бетлехеми маша до Моаба стожек, маша а ше наву а вуц ше рохошу.

вдѣл, judge, ruler; терпа to rule, to reign; ко connective particle; лида before; пред time, era, period; то this; на in; бнима country, land; ѣш there is; морец hunger; з from; Юдицке Бетлехем Bethlehem of Judah; маша man; до into; Моаб Moab; стоѧ́ to go; а and; ше with; нау wife; вуц two; рохош son.

/vʝɛɫ tɛrpɛvʲiː kɔʎɪduprɛd tɔnɐbɲɪmɛ jɛʃ mɔrɛt͡s z jʊʝɪt͡skɛ bɛtɫɛxɛmiː maʃɐ dɔ mɔabɐ stɔʒɛx maʃɐ a ʃɛ navʊ a vʊt͡s ʃɛ rɔxɔʃʊ/

During the time when the judges ruled, there was hunger in the land. A man from Bethlehem of Judah went into Moab with his wife and two sons. (KJV: Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land. And a certain man of Bethlehemjudah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two sons.)

The linking particle ко is used to transform the phrase вдѣл терпія ‘the judge(s) is/are ruling’ into a descriptor of the phrase лиду пред, so that the phrase Вдѣл терпія ко лиду пред can be understood as ‘during the time when the judges ruled’. The phrase лиду пред is a frozen expression, with лида taking the instrumental ending . Notice, too, the lack of a plural, so that вдѣл can mean both ‘(the) judge’ and ‘(the) judges’. Морец can be taken to mean both hunger, in the ordinary sense, and famine, as in the case of the passage.

The preposition з governs the genitive case; thus we have з Юдицке Бетлехеми ‘from Bethlehem of Judah’. On the other hand до governs the accusative case, as in до Моаба ‘into Moab’. Lastly, the preposition ше governs the instrumental case, as in ше наву ‘with (his) wife’.

The verb стоѧ́ ‘to go’ has the root ending in , which in the agentive voice becomes ; thus we have стожек ‘(he) went’, with the perfective suffix -ек.

Note also the lack of a definite article in the language, so that маша стожек can mean ‘the man went’ or ‘a man went’ as the case may be.

Finally, note that numerals like вуц ‘two’ are indeclinable. The numeral must be placed after the noun it modifies, as in вуц рохош ‘two sons’ but must appear before the preposition if the noun is preceded by a preposition, as in вуц ше рохошу ‘with (his) two sons’ instead of ше вуц рохошу.

в҃ Маша Елимелеху поўднія нау Ноему вуц рохош а Махлону а Хеліону; ша з Юдицке Бетлехеми Ефратани квоўми. До Моаба стожицени днѣ схражек.

Елимелех Elimelech; поўда to call; Ноема Naomi; Махлон Mahlon; Хеліон Chilion; ша he, she, they; Ефратани of the Ephrathite(s); квоўма clan, tribe, family; днѣ there; схрада to die.

/maʃɐ ɛʎɪmɛɫɛxʊ po͡udnɛvʲiː naʊ nɔɛma vʊt͡s rɔxɔʃ a maxlɔn a xɛlɪon ʃa z jʊʝɪt͡skɛ bɛtɫɛxɛmʲiː ɛfrataɲiː kvo͡umʲiː dɔ mɔabɐ stɔʒɪt͡sɛɲiː dɲɛ sxraʒɛx/

The man is called Elimelech, his wife Naomi, and his two sons Mahlon and Chilion. They were of the Ephrathite clan of Bethlehem of Judah. They went into Moab and died there. (KJV: And the name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two sons Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehemjudah. And they came into the country of Moab, and continued there.)

The translations of the names generally follow the orthodox tradition. Cf. OCS є҆лїмелехъ to Ird. Елимелех; OCS маалѡ́нъ to Ird. Махлон; OCS хелеѡ́нъ to Ird. Хеліон; the most obvious differences include the lack of the final in the OCS names and the vowel ѡ being entirely absent in Iridian. OCS ноеммі́нь becomes Ird. Ноема, as Iridian does not allow consonant gemination.

When used in expressions like ‘I am called’/‘my name is’, the verb поўда ‘to call’ takes the patientive voice and the name the instrumental case; thus Елимелеху поўднія can be translated as ‘he is called Elimelech’ or ‘his name is Elimelech’. There is an ellipsis of the verb поўда in the succeeding phrases, so that нау Ноему is an ellipsis of нау Ноему поўднія ‘(his) wife is called Naomi’ or ‘her name is Naomi’. Observe also that the personal pronoun ‘his’ is omitted where it can be understood from context. The same applies to the phrase вуц рохош а Махлон а Хеліон, which is an ellipsis of вуц рохош а Махлон а Хеліон поўднія ‘his two sons are called Mahlon and Chilion’ or ‘their names are Mahlon and Chilion’. Note that the conjunction а ‘and’ is used to connect the two names, and may often be translated as ‘both’, as in а Махлон а Хеліон ‘both Mahlon and Chilion’. In the above passage, however, the use of а does not imply ‘both’ but is mainly rather a stylistic choice.

The word ша though translated here as ‘he’ is not actually a pronoun but a demonstrative. It is used for animate referents and can be variously translated as ‘he’, ‘she’ or ‘they’.

The suffix -ени is used to link the sentences До Моаба стожек ‘(They) went into Moab’ and днѣ схражек ‘(They) died there’ into a single sentence. This clause-linking dynamic is a common feature of Iridian; in particular, the suffix -ени is perhaps the most common conjunctive suffix. It is attached to the secondary clause, which in the above case is До Моаба стожек; the verb in the secondary clause is first changed to its conjunctive form by the suffix so that стожек becomes стожицени. The grammar of clause-linking is discussed in more detail in the reference grammar. When used where the main clause and the secondary clause share the same subject, the suffix -ени would often indicate a temporal sequence of events, as in the above case.

г҃ Ноеми без ко Елимелех схражицени вуц ше рохошу ласкани.

без husband; ласка to remain, to stay.

/nɔɛmʲiː bɛs kɔ ɛʎɪmɛɫɛx sxraʒɪt͡sɛɲiː vʊt͡s ʃɛ rɔxɔʃʊ laskɐnʲiː/

Naomi's husband Elimelech died, and she remained with her two sons. (KJV: And Elimelech Naomi's husband died; and she was left, and her two sons.)

д҃ Ша рохош моабске нау зпѣтебик: она Орпу поўднія она Руту. Ноў хлету днѣ мозлашани.

моабске Moabite (adj.); зпѣта to take as husband or wife; она one; Орпа Orpah; Рут Ruth; ноў ten; хлет year; мозла to live, to dwell, to reside.

/ʃa rɔxɔʃ mɔabskɛː naʊ zpʲɛtɛːbʲɪk ɔna ɔrpʊ po͡udnɛvʲiː ɔna ruːtʊ no͡u xlɛtʊ dnʲɛ mɔzɫaʃaɲiː/

And the sons took Moabite wives: one was called Orpah, the other was called Ruth. They lived there for ten years. (KJV: And they took them wives of the women of Moab; the name of the one was Orpah, and the name of the other Ruth: and they dwelled there about ten years.)

є҃ А земе може схражицени, а Махлон а Хеліон, кам нау вуц нам рохоши нам бези ласкани.

земе both, together; може also, too; кам wherefore, and so, thus; нам without.

/zɛmɛː moʒɛ sxraʒɪt͡sɛɲiː a maxlɔn a xɛlɪon kam naʊ vʊt͡s nam rɔxɔʃiː nam bɛʒiː laskɐnʲiː/

Both also died, Mahlon as well as Chilion, and so Ruth remained with neither husband nor her two sons.

ѕ҃ А ша з Моаби породлашы те вуц ше сену здрубжек; ама моабу Тѣхо сни удле обѣмжевиѣш сни удла траву дитебѣвѣ бы хвущек.

породла to leave, to abandon, to flee; те quotative particle; сен daughter-in-law; здруба to arise, to come up; ама because; Тѣхо God; сни own, self; удла people, nation; обѣма to visit, to care for; трава bread; дита to give; бы quotative particle; хвуска to hear.

/ʃa z mɔabʲiː pɔrɔdɫaʃɨ tɛ vʊt͡s ʃɛ sɛnʊ zdrʊbʒɛx amɐ mɔabʊ cɛxo ʃnʲiː udlɛ ɔbʲɛmʒɛvʲijɛʃ ʃnʲiː udlɐ travʊ dʲitɛːbʲɛvʲɛ bɨ xvʊʃɛx/

And she arose with her daughters-in-law to flee from Moab; because she heard in the land of Moab that God had visited his people and given them bread. (KJV: Then she arose with her daughters in law, that she might return from the country of Moab: for she had heard in the country of Moab how that the LORD had visited his people in giving them bread.)

з҃ Кам а з пуйде цери вуц ше сену породлашицени до Юде ражы те породлашек.

пуйде current, present; цер place, location; Юда Judah; раза to return.

/kam azpujdɛ t͡sɛrʲiː vʊt͡s ʃɛ sɛnʊ pɔrɔdɫaʃɨt͡sɛɲiː dɔ judɛ razɨ tɛ pɔrɔdɫaʃɛx/

And so she fled with her two daughters-in-law from the place she was in. They left so that they might return to Judah. (KJV: Wherefore she went forth out of the place where she was, and her two daughters in law with her; and they went on the way to return unto the land of Judah.)

и҃ А Ноема вуц сена жичек: До сни мамци дума ражим. Тѣхом да може вуцам рукебія ко проўту рукебы.

жика to say; мамка mother; дум house, home; да I; рука to treat, to deal with; проўт manner, way, method.

/a nɔɛma vʊt͡s sɛna ʒiːt͡ʃɛk dɔ snʲiː mamt͡ʃiː dʊma razʲim cɛxɔːm a daː mɔʒɛ a shražkou moshe vʊt͡saːm rʊkɛːbʲɛvʲiː kɔ pro͡utʊ rʊkɛːbɨ/

And Naomi said to her daughters-in-law: ‘Return to your mothers' houses. May God deal with you as you have dealt with me and those who died.’ (KJV: And Naomi said unto her two daughters in law, Go, return each to her mother's house: the LORD deal kindly with you, as ye have dealt with the dead, and with me.)

ѳ҃ Тѣхом на бези дума цопу дитебы. Кам а Ноема жужицени сна стал стѣднени тоўлашек.

цоп rest; жужа to kiss; стал voice; стѣдна to raise, to lift up; тоўла to weep.

/cɛxɔːm na bɛʒiː dʊma t͡sɔpa dʲitɛːbɨ kam az nɔɛma ʒuʒɨt͡sɛɲiː sna stal scɛdnɛnʲiː to͡ulaʃɛx/

‘May God give you rest in your husband's houses. She kissed them, and they raised their voices and wept.’ (KJV: The LORD grant you that ye may find rest, each of you in the house of her husband. Then she kissed them; and they lifted up their voice, and wept.)

і҃ Кам како томѣц жичек: ше Ноему до сни бниме ражах.

кам како and so; тома to respond, to answer;

/kam kako tɔmɛt͡s ʒiːt͡ʃɛk ʃɛ nɔɛmu dɔ snʲiː bɲɪmɛ raʒaːx/

And so they answered her: ‘We will return with you to your people.’ (KJV: And they said unto her, Surely we will return with thee unto thy people.)

а҃і Томѣц тва жичек: Ражим, ражим, ѧ́іка, ама да безу зпѣтебевы те дѣ ѣш нахте одил.

тва this time, now; іка daughter; аˋ

Roel Christian Yambao, 2023

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