A · Б · В · Г · Д · Е · Ѣ · Ж · З · И · Й · І · К · Л · М · Н

A a

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аминь (amʲinʲ) · interj. amen > Lat. amen, from A. Gk. ἀμήν (amḗn)

андьел (anʲdʲɛɫ) · n. angel > Lat. angelus, ultimately from A. Gk. ἄγγελος (ángelos, “messenger”)

The archaic spelling аггел is sometimes used in poetry and in some Bible translations

Тѣжим андьел за Мариѣ зничек. ‘The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.’

Б б

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бахтіи (baxˈtʲej) · att. only-begotten

без (bɛs) · n. husband

бнима (bnʲima) · n. homeland, country

В в

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вдѣль (vdʲelʲ) · n. judge, magistrate

вуц (vut͡s) · num. two

Г г

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глаў (xlaw) · n. chapter > prob. P.S. *glava

Д д

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дум (dum) · n. house, building > Borrowed from P.S. *domъ

духа (duxa) · n. lord, master

In Christian usage, the word is used to refer to God, the Holy Spirit, or Jesus Christ and is wriiten with a capital letter. (V. 1))

1. ДУХA дѣ отмѣлжія. (Жал. 23.1) ‘The Lord is my shepherd, lit., The lord nourishes/feeds me.’ 2. Роўсци духа Фродим аніи: це то Мордору Чезніи Зиби a сніи закод раз земна трѣбуіимѣнь духа. (Толкин) ‘The Lord of the Ring is not Frodo, but the master of the Dark Tower of Mordor, whose power is again stretching out over the world.’

Е е

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Ѣ ѣ

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Ж ж

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З з

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закод (zaxod) · n. power, might

закодѣсть (zaxodʲestʲ) · n. strength, might

закодніи (zaxodnʲej) · att. mighty, powerful

зем (zɛm) · n. side, direction

The -e- is fleeting: cf. acc. зма, gen. зми, instr. змy

зиба (zʲiba) · n. tower, fortress

И и

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Й й

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І і

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К к

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Л л

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ласка (laska) · v. to stay, to remain

М м

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мално (malno) · n. language

мамка (mamkа) · n., dim. mother, mom

марь (marʲ) · n. king, ruler, lord

мать (matʲ) · n. mother

маша (mаʃa) · n. man

милень · n. word

милнарь · n. dictionary > милень + -арь

може (moʒe) · adv. also, too

Н н

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нaў (naw) · n. woman, wife

ноў (now) · num. ten

Ноў хлету днѣ мозлaшія. (Рут 1.4) ‘And they dwelled there about ten years.’

Abbreviations. Parts of speech: n., noun; v., verb; att., attributive (adjective); adv., adverbial; prep., preposition; par., particle; conj., conjunction; interj., interjection; pron., pronominal; num., numeral; dem., demonstrative; dim., diminutive.

Languages: En., English; Fr., French; Ger., German; Gr., Greek; Lat., Latin; Ru., Russian; CS, Common Slavic; OCS, Old Church Slavonic; Pol., Polish; Cz., Czech; Sk., Slovak; Ukr., Ukrainian; Bel., Belarusian; Bul., Bulgarian; Serb., Serbian; Cro., Croatian; Slov., Slovene; Rom., Romanian; A., Ancient.