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Папа (papa) · n. pope

пoўда (powda) · v. to call

When used in the sense of 'to be called by a name', the verb takes the patientive voice, with the person being called as the subject and the name in the instrumental case. (V. 1)

1. Маша Елимелеху поўднія, наў Ноему, вуц рохош а Махлону а Хеліону. (Рут 1.3) ‘And the name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two sons Mahlon and Chilion.’ 2. Ишмаилу поўднеж. (Мелвил, Маби Дик) ‘Call me Ishmael.’

пяшта (pʲaʃta) · v. to eat

With the benefactive this has the meaning of to feed. (V. 2)

1. Кам а мозлоўнія бниме щенжицесты Израили былам вутыдна хлету мана пяштнія; Канаани нигоста щенжицесты мана што пяштнія. (2 Моз. 16.35) ‘And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years, until they came to a land inhabited; they did eat manna, until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan.’ 2. Цверь прѣште ѣдны морец, ша пяштебим. (Рум. 12.20) ‘Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him.’ 3. A з уціи на хредина яким пящалнія. (1 Моз. 2.16) ‘Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat.’

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Тѣхо (tʲexo) · n. God

A ТѢХО жичек: так сынь, како так ѣш сынь. (1 Моз. 1.3) ‘And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.’

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яко (jako) · n. tree

Abbreviations. Parts of speech: n., noun; v., verb; att., attributive (adjective); adv., adverbial; prep., preposition; par., particle; conj., conjunction; interj., interjection; pron., pronominal; num., numeral; dem., demonstrative; dim., diminutive.

Languages: En., English; Fr., French; Ger., German; Gr., Greek; Lat., Latin; Ru., Russian; CS, Common Slavic; OCS, Old Church Slavonic; Pol., Polish; Cz., Czech; Sk., Slovak; Ukr., Ukrainian; Bel., Belarusian; Bul., Bulgarian; Serb., Serbian; Cro., Croatian; Slov., Slovene; Rom., Romanian; A., Ancient.