Weird elephants / Neuilly / concept album

May 31, 2017

1 Lula

Carry me home in an oxcart

Crying mad “Is there more, is there more?”

Tolling the bells resolutely

Waiting for people who won’t come anymore—

2 Boy from Pittsburgh

I was on the same Greyhound with you and

Your hipster wife except I slept the whole trip

No time at 30 for the landscape, baby,

Don’t blame me—and the cars have ruined the countryside anyway.

The man in the gabardine suit is a victim of your McCarthyism

Oh when will you learn not everyone’s an enemy

And the world can be good sometimes.

3 Martha Meyer

Paris in the rain, London in the fog

Why’d you confuse the geographies of my heart

With your own vague longing to see the world

From the window of your van?

4 Martha Meyer reveals her secret

Little John doesn’t lie

Except when it’s needed.

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